Proven Process


Our strategy consists of a 9-step process

For a free consultation or more information please contact us.


Phone Consultation

A phone consultation is the initial step in helping us understand your unique rating, medical history, and service background.


Meeting Your Claims Advisor

You will be assigned a Claims Advisor who will guide you through the entire process. They will be there for you every step of the way.


Intent To File

Your assigned Claims Advisor will help you submit your intent to file with the VA in order to ensure you receive your entitled back pay.


Creating Your Plan

Our team will carefully design a custom plan tailored to your individual needs.


Executing The Plan

You and your Claims Advisor will work together to complete every step of your plan to ensure your claim is successful.


Submitting Your Claim

Once the plan has been completed, our team will assist you in submitting your claim to the VA.


C&P Exams Prep

Your Claims Advisor will offer personalized guidance to ensure you achieve the best results at your C&P Exam.


C&P Exam

This exam conducted by the VA will determine your disability rating, and fortunately, your thorough preparation with your Claims Advisor will ensure you are well-prepared.


Final Disability Rating

The VA will issue your final overall degree of disability rating and benefits.

GET the benefits you deserve

The claims procedure is complicated, and military members and veterans should not have to attempt to navigate it alone. Veterans Claims Consulting assists veterans in developing a strong case by analyzing and applying current law, relevant legislation, regulations, and medical records. As experienced experts we facilitate the claims process so that veterans receive the compensation and benefits they deserve.

0 %
Success Rate
$ 0
Average Compensation Increase
Approved VA benefits form. Artwork created by the photographer.